Yria Design
Yria Design was founded in Athens in 2017 and is recommended as an architectural studio. It acts as a parallel part of Yria Technical SA, utilizing its experience and expertise.With the same principles and values, the team of YRIA DESIGN, moves dynamically with momentum, inspiration and passion, harmoniously tying functionality and aesthetics in every project that […]
Centaurus PC
We are a team of architects and marketing specialists that wanted to take our work steps ahead through providing tech-forward visualization services. We provide a real estate creative services to bring our clients their dream homes/investments with the luxury of choosing among a variety of different options ensuring the optimum tailored deals that our clients […]
Το όνομα Χρυσή Τομή συνοψίζει με τον πιο ιδανικό τρόπο τη φιλοσοφία της οικογενειακής επιχείρησης. Η συνεχής αναζήτηση της ισορροπίας σε κάθε πτυχή της ζωής αποτελεί όχι μόνο τρόπο σκέψης και στάση ζωής για την ομάδα αλλά και τα θεμέλια πάνω στα οποία οικοδομείται κάθε συνεργασία και έργο. Η Χρυσή Τομή προσφέρει υπηρεσίες επιπέδου στους […]
MOR ARCHITECTS is an award-winning architectural practice based in Athens, Greece, established by Demetra Rachmanidou and Spyros Mountrichas, devoted to conceptual architecture. Our design philosophy emerges from integrating philosophy and architecture to create a meaningful and conceptual built environment. An award-winning practice in numerous architectural competitions, among them, 1st price for the New Archeological Museum […]
Demetris Anastasiades
Αρχιτεκτονικό γραφείο με έδρα στο Παγκράτι. Εκπόνηση μελετών σύγχρονης αρχιτεκτονικής και ειδίκευση στις μελέτες αποκατάστασης ιστορικών κτηρίων.
IH Group development company
IH Group company work in Athens real estate market for 5 years we are dedicated to excellence new experience of living in Athens, therefore our compnay create a all coplex of living, check our projects in our website- to our website we belive that our team must to invest on themselve, and we are […]