

The design firm of elias bratopoulos + associates was founded in 2000 based in athens by elias d bratopoulos, designing and supervising private buildings and construction projects. In 2001 the firm started constructing and managing private buildings and construction projects In 2002 the firm started developing real estate projects in greece, athens and the greek […]

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We are an architecture practice, based in the southern attica, which specializes in the design and construction of residences. We cover all the design phases starting from concept design, planning application submission and finaly ending with construction, both of the structure and the overall interior of each project.

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Kipseli Architects


Kipseli Architects is a creative architecture studio founded in 2014 with head architect Kirki Mariolopoulou. Based on the concept of the beehive (“kipseli” in greek), it aims to transform the urban space through a unique structure of cooperation, concentrating on the environment and the human existence within it. It focuses on the value of the […]

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Kipseli Architects


Kipseli Architects is a creative architecture studio founded in 2014 with head architect Kirki Mariolopoulou. Based on the concept of the beehive (“kipseli” in greek), it aims to transform the urban space through a unique structure of cooperation, concentrating on the environment and the human existence within it. It focuses on the value of the […]

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Το ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΠΑΥΛΙΔΗ ΑΤΕΜ διαθέτει πάνω από 40 χρόνια εμπειρία μελέτης, επίβλεψης και κατασκευής κτιρίων, πολλών διαφορετικών χρήσεων, σε δημόσιο και ιδιωτικό τομέα. Καλύπτει όλο το φάσμα των ειδικοτήτων που απαιτούνται για ένα κτίριο, Αρχιτεκτονικά- Στατικά- Ηλεκτρομηχανολογικά- Τοπογραφικά. Εξειδικεύεται στην μέθοδο BIM επιτυγχάνοντας μείωση του απαραίτητου χρόνου εκπόνησης της μελέτης, ενώ ταυτόχρονα αποφεύγονται οι ασυμβατότητες […]

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Maria Kardami Design Studio


Maria Kardami Design Studio was founded in 2014, and since then our practice’s range has expanded from interior design and architecture to landscape, custom furniture, and lighting design. Our practice is not limited by a ‘signature’ style – we regard each project as unique. Every client has different requirements and each project has its own […]

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